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Steam is distributed to the campus from the West Campus Power Plant at a temperature of 400°F and a pressure of 150 psig via a distribution piping network. This piping system is primarily routed through buried utility tunnels, but portions of direct-buried piping as well as piping within sections of buried shallow trenches also exist. Steam is available year-round and serves both the building heating and process needs for the campus, UIC Medical Center, and Rush Medical Center. Steam is delivered to each building at local pressure-reducing stations which then distributes through a network of radiators, water-heating systems, and heat exchangers. After the steam has been utilized, the remaining condensate is metered and returned to the plant.
Chilled Water
Chilled Water (CHW) is distributed to the campus via two independent loops: the East Campus CHW system and the West Campus CHW system. This piping system consists primarily of direct-buried piping. CHW is available year-round on the West Campus, and during the summer months on the East Campus. CHW is delivered to each building using a variety of building interface approaches. CHW systems within buildings are to be designed for a CHW temperature differential of 14°F minimum, with an operating temperature that ranges from 40-54°F at 130 psig. When CHW has been utilized, it is recirculated and brought back to the plants.
High-Temperature Hot Water
High-Temperature Hot Water (HTHW) is distributed to campus from the East Campus Power Plant at a temperature of 400°F and a pressure of 350 psig via a looped piping system. This piping system consists of direct-buried piping as well as piping within sections of buried shallow trenches. HTHW is available year-round and serves both the building heating and domestic hot water generation needs of the campus buildings. HTHW is delivered to each building at shell-and-tube heat exchangers that are used to produce lower temperature hot water from the HTHW source. The lower temperature hot water is much safer to distribute throughout a building.
The West Campus is interconnected to the East Campus through two 69 kilovolts (kV) tie line down Roosevelt Road that allows a high degree of flexibility and reliability between the two campuses. Power is distributed at 12.47 kV and stepped down to 480 V at building level.
On the west side of campus, the West DC bus supplies load centers 1 through 9 with redundant loop feeders. Each switchgear lineup for load center 1through 9 are also configured with main-tie-main breakers. Building and loads are fed radially from the load centers.
On the east side of campus, the East DC bus supplies a number of distribution loops. These loops are also redundant, meaning they are sourced from each side of the tie breaker. There is a normally open point in the loop that can be moved to resolve outages and do maintenance as required.